Brunel Academies Trust


September 2025 Admissions

As an academy we are responsible for our own school admissions. This means that we have consulted on and published our own admissions arrangements which can be downloaded below. Wiltshire Council remain responsible for co-ordinating all school places in Wiltshire and so an application for a school place needs to be made to them on their correct forms which can be found on their website.

To apply for a place at our school please follow the link here

We have a pupil admission number (PAN) of 60 for the September 2025 intake.

We are often asked lots of questions about our catchment area, a list of streets that are part of our catchment can be found below.

September 2026 Admissions

The application round for entry into Reception 2026, opens on 1 September 2025.  The deadline date for applications to be received is midnight on 15 January 2026.  The home address given for the child must be the address where the child is resident as of the deadline date. 

School places will be announced in April 2026 online via your Local Authority Account if you applied online. Offers will also be posted on that day.

We warmly invite prospective parents to attend one of our open visits so that you can see our school in action. This is an opportunity to come and look around the school, meet our staff and children and to ask any questions you may have. 

Admission Documents

Appendix A Glossary and Definitions

Appendix B Catchment area

Wyndham Park Admissions Arrangements 2025 / 2026


If an application for a school place has been refused, parents have the right to appeal the decision. In our school most appeals occur because we have reached the maximum class size and therefore have no further places to offer. There is a legal class size limit for infant classes of 30 so we therefore cannot exceed this number, regardless of individual circumstances. Please contact the school if you would still like to appeal the decision. 

Useful Contacts

The School

Wyndham Park Infants’ School
Somerset Road

Telephone: 01722 334594

Head of School: Helen Fielder

For a family resident in Wiltshire, the ‘home’ local authority is Wiltshire Council

School Admissions
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN

Telephone: 01225 713010
