Brunel Academies Trust

Visits, Assemblies and Clubs

Educational Visits and Visitors

During a child’s time at Wyndham Park they will go on regular educational visits. We often use the area around us so that coaches are not always needed and costs can be kept to a minimum. Children will usually go on one slightly bigger trip each year as well as lots of other smaller trips. As well as educational visits to other places, we often have visitors coming into school. This includes artists, librarians, vicars, fire fighters and many more!


We hold a daily assembly at 10.15 for the whole school. These are topic themed, story-telling, singing practice and an end of the week Special Award assembly. These assemblies promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of pupils and are of a broadly Christian character (as per government guidance).

Extra-curricular Clubs

In Year 1 and Year 2 children will be able to attend some of the after school clubs that we offer. These can be sports clubs, art clubs, music clubs, gardening clubs, ICT clubs and more. Some of these clubs require parents to pay.
